
19 August 2012


We recently had the opportunity to travel to Virginia for a wedding.  "The Executioner" - Evan's younger sister was sealed in the DC temple to her eternal companion, "The Grit."  He may have a different last name, but he was promptly welcomed to the A-Team, shirt and all.

This is the 3rd Anderson family wedding to have a sibling missing.  When The Mechanist, MD and The Strategist were married, Evan was on his mission.  When Evan and I were married, The Executioner was on her mission.  And now, the Diva is serving.  Her wedding will be the first one to have all siblings available.  Barring any extreme circumstances, we should all be there!

This trip really made us realize how much we miss Virginia.  I didn't grow up there, but I feel just as much a Virginian as I do Washingtonian, if not more.  I didn't take a single picture (shameful, I know),  but we had a great time.  We were busy every day leading up to the wedding and reception, helping to prepare. And busy the day after trying to squeeze in as much visiting as possible.  I would love to go back soon, hopefully we can.

On the way back we stopped and visited the family I used to nanny.  They are now living in Kentucky and were gracious enough to let us not only stop, but eat dinner with them, shower, and spend the night!  It made the trip back so much more bearable.  I loved seeing the kids.  The twins have grown so much and are using full sentences now.  And they can finally say my name properly.  I was worried they wouldn't remember me, or would be hesitant, but I got big hugs from both of them.  Baby Girl had to finish her pizza first, but as soon as she was done she got down and ran over to me.  It felt so good to be remembered like that,  they were a big part of my life and I grew very fond of all 5 of them.

A great trip that left us longing for more.  We miss you, Virginia!

This song sums up my feelings pretty well:
Old Dominion by Eddie From Ohio

04 August 2012

Shopping Carts

One of my biggest pet peeves is when shopping carts are left all over the parking lot.  The closer we are to the 'Cart Corral' to more annoyed I get.  So imagine how I felt when I left Target and saw this:

That would be my car, across from the corral, with a cart behind me.  This isn't even just the annoying cart left next to me.  It was resting on my bumper!  Bah.  Anyhow...

One day I went to Kroger.  I typically park near a corral so I don't have to walk too far (cause I'm lazy like that).  I will put my purse in the front seat, load groceries into the car, put the cart away, then leave. This particular day, I found a spot really close to the entrance.  When I finished loading my groceries I decided it was closer to the store than the nearest corral.  I started toward the store then remembered my purse - and car keys - were sitting right on the front seat.  Not a good idea.  So I thought, well I'll just jog to the car and grab my keys.  Except the cart started to roll away as soon as I let go.  I was stuck between pushing the cart back to the car, and trying to make it stay while I grabbed my keys.  Just then another lady walked by and offered to take it in.  This was very sweet of her, and extremely helpful.
And I felt like a complete jerk.  I was convinced this nice lady thought I was going ot abandon the cart right there in the bushes.  I had to call Evan and tell him the whole story.  I felt so guilty, even though my intention was never to leave the cart.

Some of you may be wondering what the point to all of this was.  There isn't one.  I just found this picture and wanted to share it.  Then I remembered the time at Kroger I felt guilty.

Annnnnnd... The End.