
22 May 2010

Cheesecake on Hiatus

Ok, I owe three weeks to the blog. I have a few pictures to go with, but they are on my computer and I am currently using Evan's... so sorry anyone who stumbles among this pile of words!

Part 1: May 7
In celebration of Evan turning 25, I decided to give him a birthweek celebration instead of just a birthday. So, Friday morning I decorated the apartment, and bought some country style doughnuts. Delicious. I also took him to see Iron Man 2, after we had dinner with his parents. Since we for sure had a fill on cake, doughnuts, movie candy, Aunt Jennifer's brownies, etc., we skipped cheesecake. Saturday was similarly filled with fun and surprises. Each day for the next week I surprised Evan with a gift, some more useful than others, some more desired than others. We had no cheesecake that week, but in its place a grand celebration.

Part 2: May 14
We double dated with Evan's parents. We were planning to go to the movies and they were planning to go to the movies. Evan's dad really wanted to see Iron Man 2, and his mom really didn't. She agreed to go, but was not looking forward to it. So while we were driving Evan presented the idea that he go see a movie with his dad and I could go with his mom to see something more up her alley. I got to see How to Train your Dragon 3-D which was pretty cool. We enjoyed. Plus, I had all the goodies in my purse.
For cheesecake we did a repeat. It was Evan's final day of Birthweek, and so he picked his favorite. We decided it was ok because I hadn't tried it the time he got it (it was from our first week when we each got our own slice). So I tried a couple bites. I didn't care much for it. I mean, it was good, but I am not big on peanut butter in my desserts. However, Evan loves it. It has remained his favorite among all the other slices we have tried.

Part 3: May 21
Chocolate Cake Cheesecake.
Remember the red velvet? Very similar to that but with chocolate cake. Here's the breakdown:
Chocolate cake, cheesecake, frosting, chocolate cake, cheesecake, frosting, frosting flower. As Evan put it, the last couple bites with the frosting flower was like "somebody put on a chocolate boot then kicked you in the mouth. Then you asked them to do it again." And it was. It took many cups of milk to get that all down!

I probably will not be updating again for quite a while seeing as the wedding is this week. I am sure we will skip the tradition this week since wonderful Nerissa is making cheesecake for our wedding. And the following week we will be driving back from Florida and may or may not make it to the cheesecake factory.

Well people, alterations have been done, rings have been sized, decorations have been bought. The wedding is almost here and the flurry of planning is almost over. Can't wait!

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