
01 July 2011

Arkansas, so far

A little over a week has gone by, and I have not taken a single picture.  Literally, my camera is in my backpack where I put it Tuesday night before we left.  I feel like a slacker- but don't worry.  You aren't missing much. 

We've been spending a lot of time getting the clerical part of moving done- changing our address, registering for classes, looking for jobs, looking for an apartment, getting a bank account, etc.- so we haven't spent a lot of time having fun.  The other day Evan said, "Let's go find Toad Suck Park!"  Yes, that is the real name of the park.

There are signs for it everywhere, so we figured it must be a pretty nice park.  So we set out to find it and hopefully throw the frisbee a little.  Well, we found it.  It's comparable to ... well I don't know.  There's one side with a boat launch, and another side with maybe 15 campsites all crunched in.  It's not horrible, but not what we were expecting.  We found a soccer field near the campsites and threw the frisbee for a while and went back home, not completely satisfied and feeling dubious about ever having fun in Conway. 

There's always Little Rock! 

Also, I promise to start taking pictures.  I know you are dying to see Arkansas!!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hey! Thanks for all the book suggestions, I'll start checking them out. I'm so glad you posted because then I found your blog! I hadn't realized you had moved already. I hope you find a job soon - I know you'll be ok, hang in there!