
22 July 2010

Pesto- From scratch.

I think I am going to change our blog title to: The Domestication of Sarah.
Why for?
Because slowly I am becoming a domesticated woman.  I still have my stubborn streaks though.  For example, for three weeks straight I cooked dinner every night, dished it up and we ate.  I even started making desserts on the weekends.  Like- whoa.  Then for the next week I missed almost every night.  Grocery store chicken, followed by leftovers, followed by rice and vegetables steamed at the last minute... pretty much anything that took less than 20 minutes.  Or could be picked up in a grocery store.

I ENJOY cooking dinner every night.  But if I don't plan ahead then I can't do it.  I have to have a plan.  It's pretty much the only way I function.

Tonight on my journey to domestication, I made pesto from the basil growing in our window planters.  I planted the basil not really knowing what to do with it once it grew.  And then it grew quickly. And thick.  Its taking over the window.  I didn't know what to do with it aside from adding a little to spaghetti.  Then a friend brought up the (obvious) point that pesto is made form basil.  Apparently she also has an abundance and makes pesto almost every week.  So I gave it a try.

It turned out pretty good, but it definitely needs fresh shaved parmesan instead of the grated kind in the fridge.  So, I can make it again!  Go me!

Just because I want to- my favorite recipe I've learned is stuffed mushrooms.  Really easy. Really delicious. And they look fancy. Excellent!

16 July 2010

Oh storm

End of the work day went like this
(conversation over walkie talkie, so add in static)
J: Anyone checked the forecast lately? It's gettin kinda dark
E: I'll check ... (five minutes later) big storm coming but the radar says it will go around us
--30 minutes later--
P: It's kinda scary out here
E: Ok! Everyone inside!
A: E, do you actually see anything? Cause all I see is blue skies. let's keep everyone outside for a little while.
E: ookkk...
E: A, that was more thunder and now the pool is closed.
A: I think we're ok, I'll check the forecast in a minute
E: Are we not following the 'where there's thunder there's lightning rule?' Cause they closed the pool already.
A: I just don't see anything. It looks clear down here
E: Ok, well outside we can see the storm moving in.
K: Ok, start moving inside.
--now imagine 100 kids and 20 staff walking across a soccer field all at once--
E: Blue skies? What eyes is she using?
M: It looks clear to me?
E: Take your sunglasses off!
--everyone finally gets inside, 5 minutes pass and the rain starts--
D: (looking out the window depressed) Oh...
S: hm?
D: I left my windows down...
S: You should go roll them up
--Poor D had to run across the parking lot as the storm continued to get worse--

In better news- I finally got my cheesecake. Tiramisu cheesecake to be exact. And it was delightful. :)

Dearest Darlingest Evan:

I would like some cheesecake now. Can't you see me here with my big pretty eyes, batting my long perfectly curled eyelashes at you? Please can we go? Pretty please?

I'm about to out him and his love of the movie Sky High.


15 July 2010

Cheesecake? Hello?

Why haven't we posted about our cheesecake escapades? Because for the last couple of weeks we have collapsed into bed Friday night, exhausted from a week of work. Please tell me it is only this bad because the heat intensifies everything. Bah. Anyhow, Miss Sarah will not be letting cheesecake friday dissolve into dreamland this week. Promise.

Other than that, being married rocks :)

01 July 2010


i know i'm behind on cheesecake, but it is possible I only missed one week... maybe two. gosh I wish we had the internet. Amazingly, I've lived without it for almost seven months, but everyday feels like torture. We should be getting it within the next two weeks though.

Cheesecake friday is still going strong. Ooh, I think I just remembered which ones we had. We had pineapple upside down cheesecake and pecan turtle cheesecake.

opposite ends of the spectrum.

pineapple upside down was... disappointing. I was actually looking forward to it even! The pineapple part was just bad though. Like, not fresh, not delicious, and mostly mush. the cheesecake part was good, but DUH. so, don't get that one unless you have an unbreakable love for pineapple and aren't often let down.

pecan turtle however was amazing. I loved it. I love all things caramel and chocolate, so it wasn't that hard for me to love it. I wish i wasn't so tired so i could write more, buuuuut, too bad. Just take my word for it.

i've been at summer camp everyday where I have to lead a group of 16 boys fresh out of kindergarten around. generally, not so bad. It is tiring though. By the end of the day all of us - me and the boys - need a nap.

not to mention, Evan took me to the midnight showing of the last airbender last night. errr, this morning. it was not as amazing as i wanted it to be. We have our fingers crossed for a re-do. Cause it had every right to be an amazing movie.

ummm the end.