
21 November 2011

Angry is an understatement.

So, to get my teaching license I have to submit a full background check to the state police.  Well, I got a letter from them Thursday and thought, "Oh, this must be the results."  I opened it up and much to my surprise, it was someone else's background check, fingerprint card, and money orders.  Ummm... what? If I got this guys stuff in the mail, then where is my stuff?  Is my identity about to be stolen? This is a HUGE MISTAKE!!!

So Friday, I get a call from someone in MISSOURI and she tells me she has my information and when she called the ID Bureau, they didn't even have a record of me.  So we chat a little, I tell her thank you for mailing it back, and sorry that I didn't get her stuff and there are more people involved.

Cue Monday morning when I call them back.  First, I'm told to tell it to the fiscal department.  Then I'm redirected again to a specific person in charge of that.  And she's gone so I leave a voicemail.  Finally I get a call back and she asks if I have Elaine's (the girl who called me) paperwork.  Nope.  I have the paperwork for some dude. So they still haven't located poor Elaine's stuff.  And they were talking about a "group" so how many of us are there?  She asked if I'd be able to send it back, I said yes, and she hung up. REALLY??  No apology, no "we'll keep an eye on your identity for you" no nothing.

So I called back.  And I wanted to to know what they were going to do about it.  She said, "I don't think you have anything to worry about.  Nobody has your information."  "YES. They do.  Cause she called me and told me.  And I have some dude's stuff.  What are you gonna do about it?"  And she said, "I don't know what to tell you.  I guess the address labels got mixed up. I'm sorry, I'm only human, I make mistakes."  WHAT?  YOU MAKE MISTAKES?  HOW OFTEN DOES THIS HAPPEN? You don't accidentally send sensitive, private, personal information to the wrong person.  That should not even happen.  You sent my social security number to some random lady!  Why are you not double checking? How did you even get this job?  Did someone accidentally confuse you for a competent worker and send you the job offer by mistake?

I am so angry.  I expected more.  I expected my information to be safe.  I cannot believe this.

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