
14 January 2012

The visitor returns

The backstory:
Part 1
Part 2

We hadn't heard from our scratchy friend in quite a while.  We had a friend come check on the apartment while we were gone and he didn't hear anything either on his visits.  We got back from vacation and a whole week went by without any noise.  Then, one day, the scratching was back.  It sounded like something big and heavy walking through the laundry room.  However, every time I open the door there is nothing there, just frantic scratching and squeaking to get away.  We finally lured our landlord to the apartment (we leave our rent check on the counter and tell him it's ready, he usually gives us a time he'll be there and then shows up three days later.  We are starting to think he is avoiding seeing us because we always have something to point out) and he said it sounded like a bird in the dryer vent. He works for the forestry department so I trust his judgement.

I was relieved.  One, because it kinda sounded like a bird one time (see the video in part 1) and I was worried that maybe something was dragging a bird in then killing it.  But there was no smell, so I had to rule that out.  Two, because birds are easier to get rid of than rats/mice/rodents.  I assume.

Landlord said he'd go check the cover to the vent on the outside to make sure it stayed out.A few days went by, and the sound is back.  Not in full force, but it is definitely working its way back in.  Therefore, we have decided to name the bird.  We decided it must be a girl, since I found debris behind our dryer that could mean it is nesting in my vent.

And so, her name shall be Edna.  And we shall continue to try and sneak a peek at her when she is rustling around in the laundry room.

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